

Considering there were over 200+ participates, frog arranged an early icebreaker and brainstorming session to help form teams. From the brainstorming sessions various different topics came out and groups were formed based on their interest. I was fortunate to be standing around various individuals and we just serendipitously got formed.


We only had about 24 hours to research and come up with a viable solution regarding our topic, As well come up with a 3 minute pitch to sell our idea to the judges.

After a little over 24 hours we came up with the concept called “Skillcloud.”

A platform that aggregates employee skills and helps companies to form passionate teams around their new ideas.


This was the visual of how our web platform would look.

The main screen focuses on the employee and their particular skills outside of their job title.

The second screen shows what projects and opportunities the organization currently has going on. Therefore if you have a skill that could help these projects, you would be more than welcome to contact the respected project manager and inform them.

The third screen shows the employee’s cloud growing as his skills are validated through the extra projects he’s been working on.

The goal is to keep employee’s happy and satisfied. This platform enables that as they have the ability to constantly grow and learn.

So imagine that this is your current organization. You have 15 accountants, 42 lawyers, 5 finance guru’s and 27 admin. All slaves to their job title and would love to try something new.

Imagine if you then discovered your organization had all these other skills!

Just imagine the possibilities of your organization now!


Skillcloud came in first place and our team was awarded the $5000 prize.

We also won a workshop session with frog in order to improve our concept which took place in July/2012.

Our team was also forunutate to have been featured on many design blogs including fastcompany.